March 2023 core update rolling – Why I like core updates


Google just annouced that it has started rolling out it’s latest core update, imaginatively called the March 2023 Core Update. The last core update was back in September 2022, but that one was quite a mild one, especially compared to the highly impactful update from May 2022.

Core updates are essentially key improvements made to Google’s algorithms, designed to improve the relevancy and quality of the search results. It may not always seem that the results of core updates have really improved the quality of the search results, but this is a continuous and evolving process and essential in dealing with increasing spam and in making sense of an ever changing web.

I personally love to see core updates being rolled out. Personally, and as a business, we always focus on creating high quality websites and content for ourselves and our clients, and sometimes it’s frustrating when you see lower quality, less helpful results in the higher ranking positions. Core updates help to reshuffle the results and recognise the pages that should be ranking better than they are.

Losing rankings during a core update does not mean that a website has been penalised, it just means that the content on the page may now be deemed to be less relevant for the search query. Care updates help to maintain focus and to understand how Google is now seeing the intent behind search queries. It’s a great time to focus on increasing quality and on page relevancy. SEO never stops!

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