4 Digital Customer Experience Trends for 2022

Customer-experience-trends-2022Customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) have been at the heart of digital trends in recent years, and 2022 will be no exception. Digital services are no longer a nice to have, they’re a necessity for all businesses. Being able to deliver a better experience for users can help to increase profits, improve brand reputation and customer loyalty.

So, with that in mind, what does 2022 have in store when it comes to customer experience trends and what should businesses be focusing on to meet customer expectations?

Businesses need to provide quicker solutions

Customers today value speed and convenience, and brands that can provide solutions quickly are at a competitive advantage. This instant fulfilment takes various forms, depending on the industry you operate in.

It can be using chatbots to provide customers with immediate answers when they have a question; it might be same-day delivery so they don’t have to wait for products; alternatively, it might involve using AI software to allow customers to visualise items in their homes straight away, be it furniture or paint colours.

These solutions all have one thing in common – speed. Being able to provide a quicker service without compromising on quality will be a central focus. In our hyper-connected society, being able to deliver immediacy has the potential to increase conversions, reduce abandonment rates and improve CX.

Customers want to know the impact of their purchases

Whether sustainability or social activism, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in the values of a business and where brands stand on different issues. In particular, younger consumers are incredibly discerning, and it can influence brand loyalty considerably.

According to research by Deloitte, price and quality are still the top purchase considerations, but are closely followed by purpose-related criteria. Customers expect brands to walk the walk when it comes to sustainability and raising awareness of social issues.

It’s not enough to claim to be sustainable – they need to be transparent and highlight the actionable steps they’re taking to contribute to a better planet. In 2022, businesses need to be aware of the need to show, not just tell, what they’re doing to be more responsible. That might mean email communications to keep customers up to date on your latest efforts or utilising social media to raise awareness.

Ecommerce will expand to more digital channels

Ecommerce has seen incredible growth in the last few years, with the likes of Facebook and TikTok being used as sales mediums. And it’s anticipated that in 2022 and beyond, the trend will move to additional digital channels – in particular, apps like WhatsApp.

Digital shopping enables customers to purchase items from apps that they already spend time on throughout the day, which makes for a more convenient buying experience. It also provides the option for customers to chat with brands, get personalised recommendations based on their requirements, and receive automatic responses to their enquiries.

It’s something that the likes of Pinterest and Instagram are already using, so consumers can not only see images of products but buy them there and then. It’s likely that the demand for in-app buying will grow due to the convenience it offers, and it’s a feature that eCommerce brands should consider in 2022 to enhance CX.

Businesses need to take a holistic approach

Creating a better experience requires you to understand your customers at various touchpoints, from the initial step of their journey through to the final stage. Customers expect to be able to pick up their search or purchase at any stage and from any device.

No matter where these interactions take place, businesses need to understand what their customers are looking for and how they can deliver a better service to meet the consumers’ needs.

This holistic view of the customer journey is what enables businesses to deliver a meaningful experience that’s personalised to their needs. The future of CX will be dominated by predictive insights and data that will enable brands to adapt to the needs of the customer at each step of their journey for a seamless and, most importantly, helpful experience.

Contact us today

We understand the importance of delivering an outstanding service every time, and with our digital marketing services, we can help you do just that. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you achieve your business goals.