Content Getting You Down? Why Articles Need To Avoid Keywords And Focus On Relevance Instead

We already know Google’s preferences when it comes to article writing. There’s been quite a rush for high quality content since Google’s Hummingbird algorithm came into play, after the vast majority of the internet saw a drop in search ranking because their content wasn’t informative enough. The question is, how can you improve your articles to meet the demands of the Hummingbird algorithm?

Keywords mean nothing anymore, or at least they don’t have the same effect as they would have in the past. When it comes to writing articles, you need to make sure you aren’t filling it up with things that people aren’t going to be interested in reading. In a way, Google is conforming to the demands of the skilled writers as content becomes more and more important.

If you do decide to do your own content despite witnessing a huge drop in page rank for your past work, you’ll probably need to shift your attention to how helpful and informative something is.

Interestingly, Hummingbird has resulted in questions ranking far better than standard phrases. A standard phrase would be something like “football club Chelsea”, whilst an actual search query would go along the lines of “which football club is based in Chelsea?”  This is all because information and relevance take centre stage nowadays.

If you’re finding that Google keep penalising your articles, it’s probably time to search for someone to write for you that knows exactly what the Hummingbird algorithm is after. It’s quite easy to throw in dozens of keywords without realising, whether you’ve done an outstanding article or not.

When it comes to writing content here at Artemis, we look to deliver the best in conjunction with Google’s demands so that your site ranks as well as possible. We know the importance of making articles far more user-friendly, interesting and helpful to the reader, so you can count on our content team here at Artemis to get the job done efficiently.

Contact us today to learn more about our expertise with SEO and how we can improve the page rank of your site.