Copywriting with [not provided] keywords

Lots of SEO companies are already feeling the effects of Google’s widespread [not provided] keyword epidemic. The search giant appears to be attempting to hide as many of the search terms people are using to find a site as possible to try to clamp down on the endless torrent of dodgy SEO practices taking place every day.

Content writing

This has left some companies panicking a little. How is it possible to monitor results and produce keyword-enriched quality content without knowing what those keywords are? However, it’s not all bad news. There are already people working on programs to get around this, and for existing clients there will be lots of data to work with from previous keyword research.

But what about new clients? If you attempt to find the keywords for a website with whom you have never worked before, this might leave you with a conundrum. If you can’t see what people have searched to find it, how can you optimise it for those mysterious terms?

Until a definite solution, such as a piece of software to get around this, has been produced, we should be using our common sense. Any good SEO company will know the type of thing people type into Google every day. Rather than ‘clinic for doctor’s appointments in surrey’, someone is more likely to type ‘doctors guildford’. A good SEO company will be able to make these educated predictions so that they can be used in the content produced for you.

However, any good SEO copywriter should be able to write a natural piece of text that covers all sorts of keywords and phrases that people are likely to use. It has long been bad practice to spam a piece of content with the same keyword over and over again, so a well-written piece of content by a talented writer should cover many potential bases to help your customers find you in a search.

And remember, if it’s all getting a little too much for you, you could always start a campaign to get the world to start using Bing…