Five tips for creating evergreen content
Evergreen content is sought after by digital marketers and businesses because it is more likely to remain valuable over a long period of time. This makes it more valuable for SEO than short-term content, potentially helping to improve your search engine rankings as well as continually bringing in new visitors and users to your site.
If your business can create a piece of evergreen content that answers questions and provides useful information to potential customers, it can additionally be a valuable tool for building your brand and profile. Here are five tips you can follow to create fantastic evergreen content for your website.
Content that stays relevant
The traditional form of evergreen content is anything that covers a topic where the information will not change over time. This means that you write the page once and then it will remain relevant for many months or even years. Take an example like ‘A Guide to Driving Safely’ – the basic information on road safety and smart driving will likely remain the same for a long period of time.
On the other hand, something like ‘Five Upcoming Apps You Need to Know About’ clearly has a defined time period where it is relevant, but it is unlikely to be useful or interesting a couple of months after it has been written.
So when you are planning your evergreen content, take the time to choose topics that are going to have the longest shelf life. An article giving user advice on the iPhone X, for example, will have a shorter shelf life than one that gives user advice on mobile devices generally.
…Or content you can refresh
There is a second form of evergreen content that you can create – that is content that needs to be periodically updated. For example, a list of upcoming SEO and digital marketing events can be evergreen as long as it is continually updated. While this kind of evergreen content takes a little more work than the other, it can be just as effective.
In fact, it can be hugely valuable if you can get users to return to your page because they know it is an often-updated piece of useful information.
Put your evergreen content centre stage
It is important to make sure that your high quality content gets the attention that it deserves. Too many websites will create a fantastic piece of evergreen content only for it to be hidden just a few days later as they post more content to their blog. If you are going to create your content as a blog it is important to make sure that it is still easy to find.
For example you could have a ‘Top Posts’ section in your blog to ensure that it stays near the top of the main page, and in the case of refreshed content, you can always re-post it to bring it back to the top of your blog. Additionally you can re-post the content on social media regularly to give it extra focus and attention.
Understand the different forms of evergreen content
There are lots of different kinds of content that you can make evergreen. If you are struggling to come up with ideas, here are some of the most popular:
• ‘How to’ guides
• Beginner’s guides
• Case studies
• Original research
• Lists of resources
• Useful products or software
• ‘History of’ a topic
• Top tips and advice
• Tutorials
• Glossaries
Create content that matches your brand
Finally, remember that one of the most important aspects of evergreen content is that it can be a tool for promoting your brand. Make sure that you write your content in your brand voice, so that people can associate that content with you.
Here at Artemis, we have a dedicated in-house content writing team to help our clients achieve the best possible content for their business. From writing web page content to blogs and articles, why not contact us to find out how we can help?