Google December 2020 Core Update

Google has officially announced that they are in the process of rolling out a new broad core algorithm update, which they are terming December 2020 Core Update.

Core Updates from Google typically take around two weeks to roll out entirely and the company has indicated that this one will likely be completed over a similar time frame. This is the third Core Update to be rolled out in 2020.











A strange time for an update?

The timing of the Core Update has drawn criticism. These updates do have the potential to be disruptive for businesses – and this is especially true over an important trading period like the run up to Christmas.

There has been an outcry on Twitter and other platforms regarding the timing of the rollout – with many saying that this is the wrong time for it, especially with regard to business challenges over the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does the December 2020 Core Update mean for you?

As is the case with all updates, it won’t be clear exactly how it will affect websites until the rollout is complete and the update has had some time to settle in.

Core Updates often result in ranking fluctuations, but ensuring that your website is technically sound and has great content is an important way to minimise this.

As always, at Artemis, we are monitoring our clients’ rankings and stats closely and will act quickly if there appear to be adverse effects of any kind.

Google’s own advice for what to do as a result of the Core Update remains largely unchanged – focus on great quality content, provide value to users visiting your site, and offer expert advice and insight in your field.

Get more information

If you’re concerned about how the December 2020 Core Update might affect your website, the team at Artemis can help.

We are SEO specialists with extensive experience helping our clients maintain strong rankings and even improve their positions through Core Updates. Contact us today for more details.