How AI is shaping the future of SEO

How AI is advancing SEOIn an effort to remain a dominant power in the world of search engines, Google’s algorithm is going through changes again. According to the company itself, Google’s new technology, the multitask unified model (MUM) is a large-scale AI model that will eventually see internet search evolve into a more sophisticated service.

Google imagines that search will develop into something closer to a personal assistant. It will search the web for users, finding solutions to complicated issues. It wasn’t long since we started talking about the impressive features of Google’s BERT model – but the company claims MUM is a thousand times more powerful.

This shows the speed not just at which Google is advancing, but also the rate that AI is becoming essential to search. Here, we take a look at how AI is shaping the future of SEO.

How will MUM impact search?

The BERT model that preceded MUM was used to identify patterns in words, phrases and sentences. This helped Google to get a better understanding of the true intent behind the way that a phrase is searched. MUM also uses natural language processing, but it is able to combine multiple searches to return one comprehensive answer.

For example, if you wanted to know what the weather was like in Barcelona in a specific month, MUM can provide answers in the form of text, video and image content. It can even search in Spanish for specific details that can’t be found in English, before translating the information and presenting it in a seamless way.

AI and the customer experience

Of course, AI is changing search not only because of Google and its algorithm but because of all the methods that digital marketers and SEO professionals use. For example, AI software is increasingly being used to track customers’ preferences and purchasing behaviours.

Additionally, advances in AI technology have been able to create new opportunities to improve the customer experience. Take, for example, the development of augmented reality (AR) tech that allows customers to see how they would look in a particular item of clothing.

As companies find new ways to utilise AI on their websites, it will naturally have an effect on search engines and SEO work.

Chatbots and reputation management

Interestingly, AI is also playing a key in the development of customer service tools such as chatbots and virtual assistants. As customer relationship management becomes more important to brands, AI chatbots offer a way to provide 24/7 engagement with customers, answer questions, and interact with customers more effectively.

Search engines look for results that provide the best possible service to searchers and it may not be long before 24/7 chat services become a gold standard from a customer service perspective. From a business perspective, it can be extremely valuable, as on top of gathering information and reducing the workload of customer service staff, chatbots are able to collect marketing leads around the clock. This minimises the risk of losing potential customers.


At Artemis, we endeavour to stay a step ahead. Our team is continuously monitoring how search engines are adapting and the new ways that AI is being deployed. This allows us to provide our clients with an SEO service that evolves with Google and other search engines.

If you are interested in working with specialists in SEO with a great understanding of AI and the effect it is having on search, we would be happy to help. Get in contact with our experienced team today by calling 01444 645018 or emailing