Mastering Google Reviews: How to Leverage Reviews for Your Business

When it comes to building trust and converting customers, reviews can’t be ignored. Google Business Profile listings display star ratings and customer reviews prominently in search results which can greatly influence click-through rates from your target audience.

Effective review management can improve your visibility and bring in more business. Here’s why reviews matter and how to achieve more positive feedback from your customers.

Why Reviews Matter

It’s no secret that online reviews hold a lot of sway with today’s consumers. Over 90% of people will check out a business’s reviews before ever setting foot in the door or making a purchase. Reviews have become a huge factor driving buying decisions across almost every industry imaginable.

On top of that, positive reviews help build genuine trust and credibility for a company. For a local shop just starting out, they can go a long way in convincing prospective customers to give them a shot over larger competitors. That’s because people are more likely to trust the word of other customers over advertising campaigns and corporate messaging. Reviews lend that sense of social proof that a business really does offer a great product or service.

Tips for Getting More Reviews

Simplify the Process

The first step is making it as easy as possible for satisfied customers to leave reviews. Provide links, widgets, QR codes or other tactics to simplify the review process across different platforms like Google, Facebook and Yelp.


Offering small incentives for customers to review your business, like discounts, promo codes or free gifts, can further motivate happy clients to take the extra step to leave a review. Hosting review campaigns around special events like anniversaries or holidays is another great way to boost review volume during certain times of the year.

Guide Customers

When asking for reviews, offer guidance on how to leave reviews that are detailed, specific and honest. Ask customers to focus their reviews on their personal experience and highlight what they liked most and why. This provides prospective customers with more valuable insights.

Leveraging Your Reviews

Once you’ve built up a strong base of positive Google reviews, leverage them across your marketing and website. Be strategic by choosing reviews that reinforce your brand message and highlight your strengths. You should also share great reviews on social media and be sure to tag the reviewers, when possible, to show your appreciation.


A solid online review strategy is critical for driving new business. Implementing the tips outlined here will help you get more customer reviews, guide the creation of detailed, authentic feedback, and then leverage those reviews effectively. For expert advice when it comes to Google review management to enhance your SEO strategy, get in touch with a member of our team today.