Twitter and LinkedIn Break up

Following a mutually beneficial relationship since 2009, Twitter and LinkedIn have broken up. On June 30th they announced that you will no longer be able to update your Linked In account via Twitter. Rumours suggest that this is to drive people to visit in order to expose more users to their advertising. Twitter currently has over 500m active accounts, whilst LinkedIn a mere 160m users. Twitter will continue their relationship with Facebook who has 900m plus members!

It will still be possible to update your Twitter account via LinkedIn but not from Twitter to LinkedIn, even if the accounts have been synced.

At the beginning of the Social Media revolution there was hardly any form of integration; this was soon to change and for a considerable length of time now, it has been possible to link many social media accounts such as Facebook, My Space, Twitter, You Tube and the list goes on and on; the benefit of this as a consumer is that all it requires is one update and voila, all your social networks are updated automatically, simple as that.

So, how does all this relate to SEO? Social media is, has been, and for the foreseeable future will continue to be an important part of SEO in terms of driving traffic, targeting a specific market via PPC adverts as well as for brand awareness.

For all your SEO, SEM, SMO and PPC Management requirements, contact us for a free consultation, we are experts in all areas of SEO in Surrey and surrounding areas helping small, medium and large companies to maximise their website’s potential.