How Safe Is Your Social Media?

Sometimes the internet can be a wonderful thing, providing us with new prospects and opportunities at every turn. Social media is a thing of beauty for all our internet marketing needs and we continue to adjust our strategies thanks to information gathered through searching the web. Unfortunately for one particular business, online opportunity has a slightly different meaning this week…


An employee who had previously been sacked at a local pub took matters into his own hands by venting his frustrations on twitter. He repeatedly posted messages that contradicted the general marketing techniques of the business, which is one way of putting it. As former head chef, he showed how having social media exploits exposed so easily can have devastating effects for a business.

Whilst this story certainly holds an admirable level of humour, it also presents an underlying message to all who dish out social media responsibilities so freely, whether it’s a smaller business or something considerably larger. This particular head chef’s tongue-in-cheek approach to his sacking might be an excellent way for him to get revenge but it certainly won’t bode well for the reputation of the pub.

Whilst we can’t be too quick to judge what kind of an effect this will have on the future successes of the pub, we can only stress how important it is to have someone at the helm of your social media project that can be relied upon. This doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding a rampant outburst on twitter, but also an ability to understand social media campaigns when they come along.

Social media plays a vital role in helping a business to succeed and it will certainly play a huge role next year with the technological advancements and updates that are being predicted. With that in mind, it might be a good idea to get someone who isn’t prepared to make the most of social media to bring down your business. I can safely say that Artemis are in good hands for the time being!

Artemis Internet Marketing are experts when it comes to assisting social media campaigns for the benefit of your business. If you want to learn more about how social media can change the face of your business and the services Artemis internet Marketing have to offer, we encourage you to get in touch today and receive a free consultation.