Price Kitchens

Based in Croydon, Price Kitchens have manufactured bespoke kitchens for over 40 years.

SEO | Marketing
Top 3 Page 1 Google Rankings
Visitor Increase
Enquiries Increase


When Price Kitchens approached Artemis back in 2012, they relied predominantly on their excellent word of mouth reputation to generate new sales. They had yet to take advantage of their website
to market their business, and this resulted in a virtually non-existent online footprint.

Consequently, their website had very little online trust. It was receiving low levels of traffic and generated virtually no enquiries.


Artemis conducted a detailed audit of Price Kitchen’s current site and those of their online competitors. We quickly established that to build their online authority, we needed to expand their backlink profile. We implemented a strategic link-building campaign through which we earned valuable links from high-quality, authoritative sites.

Once we began to establish some online trust, our professional content writers crafted compelling, informative and fully optimised content to improve the quality of the pages on their website.


Since Price Kitchens joined Artemis in 2012, we have substantially expanded their online footprint. They have gained 6109 positions across all their key terms in Google, 46 of which currently rank 1st-3rd. Since implementing our link building strategy, Price Kitchens now have more than 200 backlinks from highly-trusted sites. After expanding their on-page content to include high-quality, informative articles, we have witnessed a similar uplift in traffic and conversions. Not only has their organic traffic surged to in excess of 5000 sessions each month, but their enquiries have increased by 13300%.

5 star testimonial

We have worked with Mike and the team at Artemis for over 6 years. We are delighted with not just the ranking increases and additional enquiries, but also with their superb service. Nothing is ever too much trouble and our rankings have improved significantly.

Claire Douglas | Price Kitchens

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Since 2004 we’ve helped over 250 small-to-medium sized businesses substantially grow the revenue they generate from their websites. Find out how we can increase your enquiries and revenue.

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