Make it personal


When I first started online in 2002, the trend in those days was to make your website look like it was possibly bigger and more popular than it was. This was done by removing personalisation and always referring to everything internally as “the team”, when in actual fact it may just have been one person in their bedroom. In order to differentiate myself in the early days, I went all in on and put my face and name all over my websites. It paid dividends! My websites grew, and grew fast, as users felt they were connecting with me and trusted me.

Things have changed a lot over the last 20 years, but personalisation is possibly more important than ever now. As the Internet gets flooded with AI generated content, search engines are more likely to trust content that has been generated and attributed to someone they know about and have built trust in them. If you’re the author of the content on your website, make sure you have a solid profile page, list on it your background, experience, where you’ve been featured, your social networks, etc. People buy from people and search engines trust content from people, much more than from anonymous users. Personalisation is key, no matter how big the website or business is.

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