Check out our new case studies

The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted our new Case Studies page on the Artemis website. We felt it was important to add this page because it allows you to see for the first time what we have done for genuine clients.

All of the information on the Case Studies page is taken from our Analytics program, and shows the impact our SEO work has had over time. Our case studies showcase an undeniably impressive set of results, but don’t just take our word for it; head on over to the Artemis website to see for yourself.

Magnifying glass investigating case study

Case studies are an incredibly useful way to provide some evidence to our assertions. It’s all very well having a company telling you what they do, but this isn’t much good unless you can see the results of their work. Just as we like to work in a completely transparent manner by providing monthly reports to our clients, we also thought it would be a good idea to show that we really do deliver the amazing results we talk about.

Any wise client will know that any grand claims made by someone you are considering to provide a service for you should be taken with a pinch of salt, and without the relevant evidence to back these claims up, this is a smart approach. But we don’t want to make empty claims here,  so we’ve got them down in black and white (and a whole lot of green).

The figures speak for themselves. We’ve displayed them all in an easy-to-understand graphic format so that even if you’re not into your number-crunching, you will get a feel for the incredible work we’ve done for these businesses. The good news? We’re always looking to help more clients with their SEO so that you, too, can experience impressive results such as these.

We suggest you head to the Case Studies page now to learn a bit more about the work we do with companies just like yours, and would love to hear from you if you want to see results like these for your own site.