Could Twitter introduce geo-targeted advertising?

It’s no secret that social media sites put a lot of effort into presenting targeted adverts to the people who are most likely to want to see them. For example, if you show your relationship status as engaged on Facebook, you will be presented with adverts for bridalwear and wedding venues. The site can also show you adverts based on the TV shows, books and music you like, perhaps showing you offers on boxsets or new releases for similar products. But rumour has it that Twitter will be the next social networking giant to jump on the geo-targeting bandwagon.

This means that it will use GPS information from a user’s tweets to present adverts for nearby businesses and services. Often Twitter users will find certain tweets from companies they don’t follow thrust into their Twitter feed. These have been planted by advertisers according to the things you tweet about, your gender and your age. However, using your location could inspire a whole new wave of Twitter advertising.


Lots of voucher websites, for example, use this feature to give you offers based on the shops, restaurants and bars in your immediate vicinity. So, imagine being able to use Twitter to send targeted ads to people in the relevant area. If you have offices or a physical shop, you can set an area inside which your ads will be sent, and anyone tweeting near you will be able to see if you have a sale, if there are any one day only special events or even if you’ve just launched a brand new line of products.

These days, people often take to Twitter on their phones when they’re out and about, so the chance to attract their attention with an ad to people in your area can be a useful way to capitalise on this and remind people that you exist and what you can offer them. You will reach a wide demographic and it can be a useful way to drum up new business or at least get your company’s name associated with an area.

At Artemis, we understand how useful it can be to target a specific area to promote your business and services, and we frequently use techniques which use location data to increase your traffic. Contact us today to find out how we can help you find more clients in your local area.