Google Sends Warning Messages to Webmasters

Are You Ready For Google’s Mobile Search Update?

WHY DO (1)

Further to our newsletter in November, Google is planning a big change to its mobile search algorithm. This could make a huge difference to your practice over the next couple of months. What would happen to your practice if your website disappeared from Google’s mobile search?

As you would have read in our November newsletter on Why Surveyors Need a Mobile Friendly Website Google released a “mobile friendly” tag in its search results from mobiles (see example below). If you haven’t received an email it may have been sent to your web developer get in touch with us to find out where your website lies within Google’s eyes.


During January 2015 Google has taken the next step in their mobile search update by sending emails to webmasters warning them about the new update to mobile search highlighting the errors in their sites (see example below).

google mobile warning email

You can read more about Google’s new mobile algorithm on Search Engine Land’s blog post. Search Engine Land is a leading search engine marketing news site.

If you don’t have a responsive website when Google’s update runs your rankings for mobile search will drop significantly meaning you could be losing out on local instructions that you would have otherwise received. From the surveyors we currently work with our data reveals…

  • Between 24-36% of their visitors are viewing their website from mobile phones 

Because of the high percentage of mobile searches on Google for surveyors this update will make a huge difference in the way your website works for you over the next few years.

What To Do Next?

Simply fill in the contact form on the right hand side of this page and a professional member of our team will get in touch with you and explain how we can make your website mobile friendly and generate more instructions in 2015.