The Value of Connecting with Your Online Audience


Connecting with your audience on a deeper level is critical for success in today’s digital marketing landscape. The brands that take the time to foster real relationships with their customers reap rewards like increased loyalty, better engagement and more convertible traffic.

Building trust and rapport with your customers takes some work but it pays off in the long term. In this blog, we’ll explore why building personal connections offers so much value to a business and how to develop stronger relationships with your customers.

Why personal connections are important

Developing authentic relationships with your audience should be a top priority because it offers immense value for your brand and marketing strategy. Here are some of the key reasons connecting with your customers is so important:

  • Fosters loyalty and repeat business – An audience that feels personally connected with your brand is more likely to purchase from you repeatedly and recommend you to others, widening the scope of potential customers.
  • Provides customer insights – Monitoring conversations and actively engaging with your audience allows you to deepen your understanding of their pain points and needs. You can then create more tailored content and campaigns which will increase customer loyalty.
  • Drives relevant content – When you understand what resonates with your audience, you can continue creating content that speaks to their interests and provides real value to them. It positions your brand as an authority in the industry which offers ranking benefits.
  • Rise above competitor noise – In a crowded marketplace, connecting on a personal level makes your brand stand out from the promotional fray and builds trust.
  • Humanises your brand – Getting to know your audience and sharing your own stories and values makes your brand more relatable, approachable and distinguished. You’re no longer just a faceless business but real people with real opinions to share.

Relationships equal relevance, and taking the time to nurture real connections will pay dividends across all aspects of your digital marketing.

What can businesses do to build better relationships?

There are many strategies businesses can leverage to form authentic relationships and boost engagement with their audience.

Listen in on online conversations

Rather than making assumptions about what your customers need, look at the facts. Check in frequently on social media channels, forums, review sites and anywhere else your audience congregates online. Social listening tools enable you to monitor keywords and track discussions to get real-time insight into their interests, concerns and current sentiments.

Respond to questions and comments

Don’t just post content and ignore the feedback – have someone dedicated to monitoring and responding to audience queries and comments across all platforms. The goal is to be as helpful, thoughtful and genuine in your responses as possible, to foster authenticity and trust.

Share behind-the-scenes content

The more you can give your audience an inside look at your brand culture, the better, so create video tours of your office, a day in the life of your team or capture events. Live streaming and Q & As on social media are also an effective way to show your audience who you really are. Let them get to know your experts as more than just emails and names.

Partner with influencers

Collaborate with relevant influencers and industry experts to co-create content. This helps expand your reach and brings a new perspective your audience may connect with. Don’t just push products or self-promotional messaging, but actively listen and provide value by working with people your customers respect and trust

The goal is to create an ongoing two-way dialogue with your audience instead of just posting one-off promotional content. You want to have real conversations with your customers rather than just publish content into the void. By fostering personal connections through consistently being helpful, approachable and responsive in your interactions, you’ll develop lasting relationships and nurture customer loyalty.

The brands that take the time to develop these relationships and demonstrate they truly care about their audience are the ones that build loyalty and stand out from the competition. Be proactive in sparking and maintaining real connections through consistent, thoughtful engagement.

We can help your business create a lasting impression on your customers and connect with your online audience in a more authentic and effective way. Why not speak with a member of our team today to find out how?