Why Vine is taking Twitter by storm
Vine is the latest in a series of mobile image-sharing apps using Twitter to reach people across the internet. For anyone who hasn’t spotted any of the Vine clips sweeping Twitter in recent weeks, Vine is a program which allows users to upload super short, six second video clips recorded on their mobile phones. While users have been able to upload their Vine videos to Twitter for many months, it is only recently that it’s started to pique the interest of most users.
Already, Vine is one of the most downloaded apps and it is the most used video sharing app on the market. Users can choose to record the entire six seconds or to split it into shorter, stop motion style clips to create mini how-tos or microtours of offices. Recently, it was revealed that Vines are shared four times more frequently than online videos, making it a very interesting prospect for many online marketers.
Advertising and marketing agencies have been quick to pounce on the app, as the clips are embedded in tweets which makes them easy to share. Beauty companies in particular seem to be reaping the benefits by producing step-by-step guides to creating different beauty looks by showing each stage of the process as a short clip. Other companies could use it in much the same way, or could come up with new and inventive ways to show off what they’re doing or to create something informative that the right people will want to share. Why not make a Vine job advert like this one? If it goes viral, it could reach some amazing people.
The best thing about Vine is that it promotes virality. While people may not want to sit through a full video on YouTube, everyone has six seconds to spare to watch a video which is conveniently embedded in a tweet, and it’s extremely easy to retweet. It breaks up the monotony of a Twitter feed, and can provide followers with a lot of information a tweet couldn’t.
Vine can be an ideal way to experiment with ‘micro advertising’ by coming up with a creative, fun concept which people will be happy to share with their friends. It should be either useful, such as the how-to guides, or funny, to give it a chance of becoming viral.
For some Vine inspiration, check out these Vine campaigns, or for help with your social media marketing, contact Artemis today.