Why we offer monthly SEO reports

One of the unique things we offer at Artemis is a comprehensive monthly SEO report for every single website we work with. This involves providing a plain English look back at the work of the last month and how it has affected your SEO rankings and performance. Our reports mean that you don’t have to be an SEO expert to understand what we’ve done, as we will explain everything in terms you can understand.

Monthly SEO report keyword ranking

We provide a range of quantitative data in the form of page views and bounce rates and written analyses of your site’s performance. Some clients prefer to see the numbers and how they compare based on previous reports, whereas others prefer to look at the bigger picture, so we cater for everyone with the type of report we offer.

If you’re short on time, we provide the best points of the report in a handy ‘Highlights’ section, which will tell you which of your keywords are performing best and which rankings have improved the most, which can help us come up with a tailored strategy for the next month.

The main focuses of the monthly summary are the ranking report (showing the movement of keyword positions in Google), search terms (who searched what to find your site), a summary of the key improvements over the month and a summary of the time spent on each task. This way, it’s crystal clear what you’re getting for your money, and this in-depth analysis allows us to work with you to come up with new strategies.

SEO report highlights

What we hear time and time again is that people with other SEO companies can go for months on end with no contact and no clue about whether the work the company are doing has had any impact on their site’s ranking. They could always Google their own keywords to see where they’re ranking, but we think it’s better if we do it, as we can interpret the results and explain the reason for any potential falls in ranking, such as Google updates or on-site problems.

Very few companies offer this service, and we just can’t understand why. Our clients love the fact that they have evidence of the work we’ve done and exactly what impact that has had on your site. It’s only fair that you should see where your money is going, and we know that some of our clients have come to us from companies offering no indication whatsoever of what they’ve done.

If you want to find out more about our monthly reports and other SEO consultancy services, get in touch today and we’ll be happy to explain more about our SEO reports and how they can benefit you and your SEO campaign.