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The world of SEO can be pretty mystifying if you’ve never had any dealings with it, and there are lots of misconceptions about what does ...
As the newest member of the Artemis team, I’ve been looking into the ways SEO has changed over time. SEO is obviously an incredibly fast-paced ...
More and more websites are trying to exploit the use of voice technology in their search processes now, and have tried to do exactly ...
A report last week found that Google’s infamous Penguin algorithm is becoming stricter over time. For a long time we’ve known how updates to Penguin ...
Webmasters all over the world, whether they feel they’ve done something borderline or not with their websites, will be holding their breath a little as ...
Google recently offered up a rather attractive interactive infographic to try and explain the mechanics of online search to the layman. You can see it ...
Matt Cutts (head of the webspam team at Google) posted a video today on YouTube talking about the types of messages that Google sends out ...
Hello! My name is Kayleigh and I’m new to Artemis. My background is in journalism and content writing, and I’m currently getting to grips with ...
When I think back to the phenomenal amount of money I used to spend in HMV back in the day it’s staggering to try and ...
We were asked today by a company referred to us by one of our IT partners to help get their site ranking for a range ...
Having unique content and a good link profile are the two main essentials for getting decent search engine rankings. But what happens if Google interprets ...
It’s the festive season and that means gifts and guzzling galore, with a well deserved few days respite from the working week. But does Google ...

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