Showing Category: Google

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In order to commemorate the fourth season of HBO’s bloodthirsty fantasy tale Game of Thrones, HootSuite decided to unveil their own unique opening sequence for ...
Today I came across something I hadn’t seen before or heard anyone talk about. It’s to do with Google Authorship and getting your photo to ...
The mighty Penguin struck again last week.  As with any Google update there are always winners and losers.  If you’re on the losing side you’ll ...
We’ve been eagerly waiting for the latest iteration of Penguin to strike and Matt Cutts blogged last night that Penguin 2.0 started rolling out on ...
More and more websites are trying to exploit the use of voice technology in their search processes now, and have tried to do exactly ...
Well, there I was doing a search for “Barcelona airport car hire” for a trip that I’m arranging and I was quite surprised to discover ...
Having unique content and a good link profile are the two main essentials for getting decent search engine rankings. But what happens if Google interprets ...

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