Showing Category: Google Updates

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What’s black and white and feared all over? Yes, that’s right, it is Google’s long-awaited Penguin 2.0 update. Since it was rolled out a couple ...
The mighty Penguin struck again last week.  As with any Google update there are always winners and losers.  If you’re on the losing side you’ll ...
We’ve been eagerly waiting for the latest iteration of Penguin to strike and Matt Cutts blogged last night that Penguin 2.0 started rolling out on ...
A report last week found that Google’s infamous Penguin algorithm is becoming stricter over time. For a long time we’ve known how updates to Penguin ...
Webmasters all over the world, whether they feel they’ve done something borderline or not with their websites, will be holding their breath a little as ...
I’ve blogged before about Google’s algorithmic evolution and how the search giant is constantly making adjustments to the way in which it ranks and rates ...
What an exciting couple of weeks we’ve had. Four big Google updates in the space of two weeks is enough to make every webmaster have ...

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