Showing Category: SEO

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Google may not be feeling any significant pressure from Bing regarding search results and the competition certainly isn’t in the balance, so is there any ...
We are pleased to announce that our new WordPress User Guide is available for all our clients. We keep the WordPress User Guide updated to ...
Lots of SEO companies are already feeling the effects of Google’s widespread [not provided] keyword epidemic. The search giant appears to be attempting to hide ...
There is a lot of conflict over whether or not guest blogging is still an effective tactic for SEO. As recently as a few months ...
It’s that time again – Artemis is looking for a new friendly face to join its team, and this time we’d like to hear from ...
Did you know that you can find us on social media? If you want to follow us on Twitter, find us @ArtemisSEO, where we invite ...
Google’s Penguin algorithm updates have been feared and embraced in equal measure by the SEO industry. If you’re playing by the rules, you have nothing ...
OK, so it’s no Google – not even close – but some interesting news from the world of Bing tells us that Pinterest boards are ...
For the first time in three years, Google has released a major upgrade to its algorithm under the codename ‘Hummingbird’. Around 90% of Google searches ...
We already had that Friday feeling at Artemis, but when we found out it was Google’s 15th birthday we had even more to celebrate! Google ...
Love them or loathe them, there is no denying that the hashtag has been cemented into the way lots of us use the internet these ...
The field of user experience, or UX, is becoming a massive industry, and there are people whose jobs are dedicated to enhancing the user experience ...

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