How to Create Local Landing Pages for SEO

How to Create Local Landing Pages for SEO

When done right, local landing pages can work phenomenally well. Why? For starters, there is a huge amount of search traffic that anchors on local intent. How many searches end with ‘near me’ or reference a geographic area in them? According to BrightLocal, 78% of consumers use the internet to find information about local businesses more than once a week.

Local landing pages provide a unique opportunity to personalise your content to appeal to local customers. What’s more, this traffic is much more likely to convert. It’s not uncommon for local businesses to turn away enquiries due to factors such as distance. Having a Local SEO strategy and targeting local traffic with geo-orientated pages mitigates a lot of these issues.

The bottom line? People are searching local, and creating local landing pages gives your business a unique opportunity to reel in this primed, local traffic.

Keep reading to find out how to make unique, competitive location landing pages that will rank in the search results.

Localise your Content

It may sound obvious but having unique content for each local landing page you create is a non-negotiable first step. Personalising your content to appeal to a local audience goes further than swapping out one town for another. Referencing local areas, replacing stock photos for local imagery, and incorporating local case studies are just a few ways you can differentiate your content and optimise it for the local market. Here is an example of how we’ve achieved this with one of our interior design clients.

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Don’t Forget the Basics

When creating a local landing page, you should prioritise your contact information to make it as easy as possible for potential new customers to contact you. As a minimum, make sure your local phone number, email, and address are all visible high up on the page and linked to your Google Business Profile.

We also recommend including hours of operation, a map, and an option to ‘Get Directions’ if customers can visit you at your address. Be mindful that multi-location businesses should personalise their contact information for each location. Below is a good example of how this can look.

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Showcase your Business

Now it’s time to showcase your business to potential customers. Write about priority services, your company history, and why visitors should choose your business rather than your competitors. Keep your content personable, and break up dense content sections with aesthetic (but not stock) imagery of the products or services you are offering, team members in situ etc.

Include Trust Signals

One of the most influential ways you can showcase your business is by adding trust signals. These are signs that validate your business as reputable. Include testimonials, logo accreditations and case studies. Where possible, factor in location when choosing which to incorporate on your site. Take a look at our own site to see how we have dedicated a large portion of our local landing pages to highlight these trust signals.

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Create Conversion Opportunities

Too many businesses put in a heap of effort creating quality landing pages that persuade visitors to enquire, but don’t provide an easy route for visitors to do so. Don’t fall at this final hurdle – make sure you optimise for conversions. Have a handful of calls to action (CTAs) strategically distributed across your site. If phone calls are a priority conversion for you, make sure your phone number is visible (and clickable!) and add phone-orientated CTAs such as ‘Call Now for Free Consultation’. Likewise, if you want visitors to send across information, make sure to incorporate a contact form on your page. Where possible, personalise these so they speak to you audience.

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Quality content is the foundation of any good landing page, but good search engine optimisation is the difference between a mid-performing page, and a highly competitive page. Before publishing, add a title tag, meta description and h1 that mention the location you want to rank for. If you’ve written bespoke content that is unique to the area you are targeting, then your content should already be well optimised for local areas. It’s important to check your page content to ensure this is consistent and natural throughout, with helpful headings to structure your page. Remember, if it reads spammy or unnatural, this is going to do your page more harm then good.

Finally, look for opportunities to internally link to other priority pages on your website. This may take the form of key service pages, a ‘meet the team’ page, or other locations that have landing pages. Creating a strategic network of internal links will not only help define the architecture of your website but is a proven technique of improving your page authority and ranking power.

At Artemis, we have extensive experience creating local landing pages that help our clients improve their rankings and online visibility. If you’d like to benefit from a bespoke local SEO strategy, why not contact our team today to discuss?