Showing Category: SEO

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It is still the case that many businesses don’t see the point of Twitter. The microblogging site is often viewed by those not in the ...
What’s black and white and feared all over? Yes, that’s right, it is Google’s long-awaited Penguin 2.0 update. Since it was rolled out a couple ...
The mighty Penguin struck again last week.  As with any Google update there are always winners and losers.  If you’re on the losing side you’ll ...
We’ve been eagerly waiting for the latest iteration of Penguin to strike and Matt Cutts blogged last night that Penguin 2.0 started rolling out on ...
So, it’s finally over. The five year legal battle between high street favourite Marks & Spencer and flower company Interflora has been ruled in Interflora’s ...
This week, it was announced that Yahoo would be buying blogging website Tumblr for an eye-watering $1.1 billion. This move has not gone down well ...
In October 2012, Google launched its ‘disavow links’ tool. What this means is that you can decide which of the backlinks to your site you ...
The past few months have seen Artemis Internet Marketing go from strength to strength as we’ve taken on more work than ever before and continue ...
We’ve recently got our social networking sites hooked up to HootSuite, a fantastic social media management program which allows you to monitor not only your ...
One of the things people often wonder about the SEO industry is why nobody knows the algorithm Google uses to determine which sites are seen ...
#8220;I wish I could see who’s actually visited my website!” This is something we hear all the time, Google Analytics will give you loads of ...
It seems as though every few months, a new social sharing site being cited as ‘the next big thing’ is being launched. It’s a saturated ...

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