Showing Category: SEO

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Content creation is a bit like wooing a beautiful girl. You’re clear about the end goal, but what’s the best seduction technique to get you ...
When you’re browsing a website or looking through Google search results, you will without a doubt end up seeing title tags on almost every page ...
Many businesses lack a diverse range of images on their Google local listings, yet they are an essential element to having a well optimised Google ...
Writing for the Independent’s i-news Daily Briefing recently, journalist Ian Burrell reported on how the British Library is using SEO to become a major digital ...
  John Mueller, a webmaster trends analyst at Google, recently announced they are working on the announcement for the launch of the latest Penguin ...
Here at Artemis we have worked with pretty much every content management system (CMS) under the sun. From custom built platforms designed for bigger or ...
The layout of Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages) has changed dramatically over the years. With maps, videos, images, featured snippets, the Knowledge graph, news ...
In May Google announced that Google Search Console could be deeper integrated with Google Analytics but what exactly does this mean, what insights will it ...
The Guardian newspaper recently asked its readers the question “has the age of quantum computing arrived?” In the world of search engine technology the short ...
Content is not King. Search engines only care about your content in so far as it answers searchers questions. In the last few years ...
Although, still unconfirmed by Google, it looks like there have been some big changes in how referral spam is handled in Google Analytics. We have ...
Google has today started to display Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) pages in SERPs that trigger a news listing. To see the new AMP results, ...

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