How to Write a Company Blog That Attracts Local Customers

Business blogging is one of the most effective ways to gain greater visibility online, whether you’re a dentist or estate agent, setting up your own catering business or accountancy practice. But as a business owner, finding the time to keep your website content fresh can feel daunting. Google loves new content, but it also expects that content to be informative and engaging.

So, how do you establish authority, drive long-term results and develop a blog your customers will love? Here are some key points to bear in mind to write a blog your readers will really value.

Write for your customers

Your blog isn’t just a platform for you to promote your business – it’s about providing value to your target customers. It’s important to develop a meaningful dialogue with your audience, so keep them in mind when you’re crafting blogs. Maybe your customers are looking to stay up to date with industry-related news or maybe they want advice from an expert in the field. Understand what your readers want so you can write content that’s tailored to them.

Craft an attention-grabbing title

An enticing title makes it much more likely that your customers are going to click on the post and read through. You want your blog post title to spark curiosity and address the main queries your readers have, as well as accurately reflect what the blog is about. It’s also good practice to include the primary keyword you’re targeting to help your blog perform well in search results and to capture the attention of users looking for an answer to that particular topic.

Identify your hook

You’ve got one shot at convincing your reader that this blog post is worth their time, so make it count. Make sure your introduction hooks in the reader and keeps them on your site. You need to get right to the point and show them that your blog post will provide a solution to their problem, setting the tone and premise for the rest of the content.

Use images wisely

Images are a really effective way to break up a lengthy blog post and add visual stimulation to keep your readers engaged. Visuals can be included to help the blog post flow well, since many people scan blogs, but they can also be used for humour, to back up a point you’ve made or to make a complex topic easier to understand.

Share and share alike

Social media sharing buttons make the world of difference to a blog. If you’re writing great content, chances are that your readers will want to share it with others, so make it easier for them to do that by including social buttons at the bottom of each blog post. An entirely new audience is just a click away if someone chooses to share your content, so it’s something you want to encourage as much as possible to widen your readership.

Stay consistent

Consistency is really important in blogging. Your readers want to know when to expect a new blog post, so whether you only have time to blog once a month or you plan on publishing weekly, make sure you stay consistent with your schedule. Choose a frequency that works for your business and that you can stick to comfortably while still producing high-quality content for your readers.

Keep the conversation going

A great way to encourage conversation with your customers, gain feedback and build engagement is by asking questions in your blogs and asking your readers to share their response and experiences in the comments. You could also add a poll to your post, giving the reader a chance to add their view and feel involved. Make sure that whatever comments you receive, good or bad, you respond professionally and take on board any feedback offered.

Contact us

Blogging is a task that sometimes seems easier than it is, but with time, practice and these tips to guide you, you’ll be able to build a bank of useful content on your site that your readers will love. If you’d like to learn more about developing a blog for your website, get in touch with us today and we’d be happy to discuss the benefits with you.