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In the future we’ll look back on 2017 as the year when the transition from a “mobile first world” to an “AI (artificial intelligence) world” ...
After a very long two years, Google has finally released its latest version of the Penguin algorithm but this time it’s a little different, as ...
“I don’t understand why my website doesn’t rank for my main terms, it’s so much better than all those other rubbish websites that Google is ...
There could well be an extra gift under our Christmas tree this winter from a certain major search engine, with the next Google Penguin Update ...
An effective SEO strategy that is solid and reliable is absolutely essential if any e-commerce site is to be successful in the long term. Whether your ...
A technical puzzle posed by a client had me scratching my head for a while. It went a little something like this Client: “We would ...
There has been plenty of speculation about a potential Panda algorithm update in the works and we’re expecting news on this in the coming weeks. ...
Last Sunday, in what proved to be rather unfortunate weather conditions, we took to our road bikes and competed in the annual Greater Haywards Heath ...
Artemis Marketing are delighted to announce that we are now ranked 1st out of over 2000 UK Search Engine Optimisation companies in the UK. We ...
Google confirmed yesterday at a digital advertising conference that for the first time ever, more searches were being conducted from mobile devices than PCs. While ...
Today’s the day Google introduces a major update that focuses on penalising sites that aren’t mobile friendly. “Mobilegeddon”, “Mobile D-Day”, whatever you want to call ...
Google have spent many years attempting to settle or potentially dodge antitrust charges in Europe but it seems that their attempts have come up short. ...

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