Showing Category: SEO

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When it comes to communicating as and for your brand, there will come a time when you will want to establish a particular ‘voice’ for ...
Recently, Artemis have taken on one of our biggest clients yet, which just goes to show that we really do attract all sorts of businesses. ...
Google are notorious for sending the internet – and especially the SEO industry – into a frenzy every time they edit their guidelines, with constant ...
Despite the fact we all see them every time we Google anything, lots of people still don’t know what a meta description is. A meta ...
The term ‘call to action’ is one you might have heard many times, but still many sites aren’t taking advantage of this simple technique which ...
One of the unique things we offer at Artemis is a comprehensive monthly SEO report for every single website we work with. This involves providing ...
It goes without saying that SEO is best left to the experts. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can actually hinder your SEO ...
You may have social media accounts for your company, but are you really using them in the right ways? There are actually lots of ways ...
With the arrival of the Royal Baby imminent (our money is on Baby Artemis), we’re getting all regal with our thoughts on digital marketing. We’ve ...
As the weather heats up, it’s time to get your content sizzling. As we all know, content is key when it comes to SEO, link-building ...
Mobile searching is on the increase, and more and more companies are finding that it’s important to create a mobile-optimised version of their site. I ...
One of the crucial parts of any SEO campaign is getting good content up on your site and good quality guest posts written for other ...

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