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We’ve recently got our social networking sites hooked up to HootSuite, a fantastic social media management program which allows you to monitor not only your ...
One of the things people often wonder about the SEO industry is why nobody knows the algorithm Google uses to determine which sites are seen ...
#8220;I wish I could see who’s actually visited my website!” This is something we hear all the time, Google Analytics will give you loads of ...
It seems as though every few months, a new social sharing site being cited as ‘the next big thing’ is being launched. It’s a saturated ...
A new problem facing 21st century retail is known as ‘showrooming’. It involves a customer walking into a shop to try out the products, looking ...
We get a lot of calls each week from local businesses wanting to get their internet marketing campaign off the ground for their website. Some ...
Recently, we received some great news about the work we’ve been doing for one of our clients. We have been helping a local business with ...
Yesterday, Artemis HQ was rigged up with superfast BT Infinity internet. Our offices use a VoIP phone system, so it’s extremely important that we have ...
It has just been announced that desktop searching hit an all-time high in March this year, amid a deluge of reports alleging that mobile search ...
Many companies now find that having a social networking presence is a crucial part of their online marketing campaign. It allows customers to get to ...
At Artemis, we believe it’s important to practice what you preach. That’s why we’re proud to rank first on Google for our main keyword, ‘SEO ...
I read a column today saying that SEO ranking reports are effectively useless. These reports show how well your site is faring compared to its ...

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