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In September, Google held its second main search event of the year, Search On ’21, and as expected, the focus was very much on ...
Google likes to keep the SEO industry on its toes and around the 16th of August they released a new update which has seen ...
Another Core Update Another month and another core update from Google. On the 1st July, Google released yet another core algorithm update which was ...
Google had a busy month releasing several updates in June. They have become considerably more open about these updates in recent times, which is good ...
May is a big month for Google. Their annual developer conference, Google I/O, takes place in California. Industry leaders around the world wait in ...
Search engine news in April was, yet again, mostly focused around the page experience update. Here’s what’s new… Page Experience Update Delayed After all ...
March was a relatively quiet month for search engine news but there were a couple of interesting new developments which are worth digging into ...
February has been a fairly quiet month with no major updates from a SEO perspective. There is no rest however, as we have to continue ...
Following the disruptive Core Update that Google rolled out in December, January was a relatively quiet month for search updates and if anything, we saw ...
As we bid a fond farewell to 2020, there is much to reflect upon and even more to look forward to in 2021. 2020 was ...
November is generally a critical month for a lot of businesses that generate sales online, and last month was possibly even more vital than ...
England is set to go into another month-long lockdown. It’s not the news anyone wanted to hear but things should be very different this time ...

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