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We really like having happy internet marketing clients and it’s always much appreciated when they take the time to say nice things about us! Chris ...
I find it amazing that 99% of the enquiries we receive are from companies who are fed up with the lack of reporting and transparency ...
Bing has revealed its most searched items for 2013, with all sorts of topics brought into question. It’s been an excellent 2013 for Beyonce as ...
SEO is drastically changing on a regular basis and websites have been continuously hit with organic search changes, such as the Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird ...
Now we’ve gotten the American Music Awards out of the way, the next red carpet event in everyone’s diary is the Business Show 2013 which ...
Yes it’s Friday, so what better way to end the week than to discuss how Google have looked to establish the 50th anniversary of Doctor ...
Google have updated their terms of service this month with a new addition that lets the company use profile images of current users in their ...
With the festive season on the horizon, Artemis Internet Marketing are more than happy to provide our clients with some great services that will help set ...
Artemis Internet Marketing are always delighted to receive exceptional reviews from our clients, and it’s always nice to end the week with one. We’ve worked ...
That’s what’s being reported by Bloomberg. The former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, who has been tipped to take the CEO hot-seat at Microsoft in the ...
John Lewis have begun screening their latest interpretation of the festive season and that can only mean a major influx of Christmas adverts hitting our ...
One of the latest developments regarding Google’s searching interface was the introduction of the website title placed beneath the search result instead of the usual ...

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