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We’ve had not one but TWO great pieces of feedback this week, which is a particularly satisfying way to bring Friday to a close. It ...
Matt Cutts made another algorithm-related announcement last week at SMX Advanced, although it had nothing to do with either Panda or Penguin. Instead, it was ...
We were delighted to receive a wonderful review from Brighton Psychotherapy Centre, one of our many satisfied clients, on the 7th June. We’re always happy ...
We’ve been decorating the entrance to our new offices with some help from the youngest member of the Artemis team! For more information on our ...
You might have noticed that we’ve gone through a bit of a makeover this week here at Artemis, with a new logo deputising on our ...
Artemis Internet Marketing are a qualified Google Partner and it’s something we’re extremely proud of, but what exactly does it mean? You might be wondering ...
Matt Cutts told us yesterday via Twitter that Google had begun rolling out their latest Panda update, Panda 4.0. Whilst we’ve been waiting in anticipation ...
Matt Cutts responded to a question from a twitter user this week, asking whether or not he had any regrets during his career dealing with ...
We’ve heard of a number of aspects of search over the last few months from Matt Cutts that might point us towards the truth when ...
A rather weighty accusation has reached Google’s doorstep in the last 48 hours concerning the extremely lucrative AdSense program, which accounts for a third of ...
A couple of weeks back we learnt that the airline Ryanair had managed to disappear from Google’s major league search results after carrying out work ...
We already know Google’s preferences when it comes to article writing. There’s been quite a rush for high quality content since Google’s Hummingbird algorithm came ...

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