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It seems that more brands are turning to Google+ in an attempt to boost their success with search results. A report from the New York ...
Google are celebrating Valentine’s Day with a doodle that lets you send a box of chocolate to someone else online using a specified URL. It’s ...
Matt Cutts recently announced that Google had prepared an update for their latest Page Layout Algorithm that would see web pages with multiple or too ...
Seemingly from nowhere we suddenly find ourselves confronted by embedded Youtube videos atop our search results for certain queries. It appears at this stage the ...
Sky have recently released their AdSmart service that looks to bring specific advertisements to specific households depending on certain variables. It’s an incredible step forward ...
Facebook turns 10 today, the 4th February, so happy 10th birthday Facebook! Facebook has grown immensely as a social network, a media sharing site and ...
It’s incredible to think just how much Google is worth nowadays. Yesterday Google revealed their fourth-quarter earnings for 2013 and it certainly showed just how ...
Matt Cutts has been responding to questions regarding older sites this week, with the highlight of his latest video being the fact that older sites ...
This time last week we discussed Matt Cutts’ reaction to the queries surrounding algorithms and whether or not they affect rankings in Google. A similar ...
Matt Cutts, head of Google’s web spam team, has suggested in the last couple of days that guest blog posts might not be the best ...
Brands are always looking for fresh, innovative ways of appealing to their clients by making the most of social media. With social networking apps such ...
Upon searching for results on Google, many people have been left wondering what it is that’s determining the position of each search result. Are specific ...

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