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Fancy joining the team at Artemis? We’re currently looking for a Junior Search Marketing and Content Executive to work out of our Haywards Heath office. ...
It’s undeniable: social media is one of the most important aspects of modern internet usage. However, it’s not just a useful way to stay in ...
The advantages of being at the top of Google’s results for your chosen keywords are widely known, but did you know that, according to research ...
Lots of our clients come to us after getting fed up with being ripped off by dodgy SEO companies who take their money but don’t ...
It’s no secret that social media sites put a lot of effort into presenting targeted adverts to the people who are most likely to want ...
This week, people have noticed that Google has subtly amended its Google Webmaster Rankings article to suggest that it is turning its focus very much ...
Twitter has been busy recently… not that you’d know it. It has opened its new Analytics service, which can be used to monitor the performance ...
Snapchat is one of the biggest mobile apps of the moment. The premise is simple: take a photograph on your phone and send it to ...
Vine is the latest in a series of mobile image-sharing apps using Twitter to reach people across the internet. For anyone who hasn’t spotted any ...
An SEO link building strategy doesn’t just stop when you’ve reached the rankings you want. There’s more to it than simply saying ‘OK, this is ...
I love statistics. No really, I do. I love finding out what people are searching, where they come from, how long they spend on a ...
Today I came across something I hadn’t seen before or heard anyone talk about. It’s to do with Google Authorship and getting your photo to ...

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