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There’s a new search engine in town and it’s getting more popular every day. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that keeps all our searches entirely ...
In the past year the Search Engine giant has been methodically buying robot makers, supervised by Android developer Andy Rubin. Recently Google has also bought ...
I’m looking forward to going to the Autosport International Show at the NEC in Birmingham tomorrow with one of our clients SVG Motorsport. Be good ...
There’s no doubt that the number of internet consumers making the most of their handheld device to search the web is increasing. Overall traffic on ...
As another fantastic year passes Artemis celebrates in the success of our clients. We have assembled a small case study document explaining what we’ve achieved here. ...
It really has been a very busy and exciting year for us here at Artemis.  We’ve been growing and expanding and we’re particularly proud of ...
As we approach the end of 2013 and start getting ready for the New Year, we at Artemis will take a look back at one ...
As the holiday season swiftly approaches, everybody is getting ready for the big day by stocking up on foodstuffs, buying and wrapping the gifts and ...
Sometimes the internet can be a wonderful thing, providing us with new prospects and opportunities at every turn. Social media is a thing of beauty ...
An effective social media campaign is essential for your business to excel and this is why social media has become such an important aspect of ...
With 2014 slowly but surely sneaking up on us many business owners are preparing their marketing for the New Year. However here at Artemis we ...
At the moment it seems that many online businesses are playing it safe and trying to establish themselves in their local area. Google Trends is ...

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